5 Reasons To Sell Your Home This Fall

Though the real estate business never stops, most people associate its busy periods of the year with the spring and summer seasons. And while this is true to a large extent, those who think that selling a home in the fall is a bad decision are sorely mistaken. Just as...

Winterizing Your Yard: 3 Landscape Tips

In some parts of the country, it has already started snowing! But, even if you live in an area with a moderate climate, your lawn and garden are about to take a “winter break.”  Here are 3 tips to assure that your yard will not only survive the...

Tech Jobs Driving House Flipping Projects

Reality TV shows about house flipping make it look easy. But behind every lucrative renovation project, there are factors that impact profitability such as buying price, labor costs, unforeseen setbacks and perhaps most importantly, location. There is no escaping the...

Fall Outdoor Lighting Tips

Many people associate the fall months with cooler temperatures and changing colors. But another defining characteristic of fall is that the days become shorter. Yes, there’s limited daylight, as the sun rises later and sets earlier. Noting this, it’s...